A Front-facing dash cam is an excellent way to record video footage of your travel, from interesting discoveries to traffic accidents. The dash cam has features that allow you to get timely updates on collisions, lane changes, and road conditions. Front-facing dash cams also share recording files with your smart devices and can record situations after dark. Although front-facing dash cams are effective, they will not cover the full facts if there’s a rear-end incident.
Having a rear dash cam eliminates distractions and lets you focus on what’s happening in the rear of your car. Rear dash cams act like an additional witness to prove your case when unfair claims or accident disputes arise. When a front-facing camera doesn’t capture a rear-end collision’s full view, the rear dash cam will make up the breach.
We aim to explore all the ways a rear dash cam can benefit you and how to install it. We will show you how to hardwire it to ensure you get the best possible rear dash cam coverage at all times.

Why install a rear dash cam?
You mount a rear dash cam on the rear windshield of your vehicle. It allows you to record footage from the rear views all at once. The camera also offers the advantage of having both cameras working together to add another layer of security. Installing a rear dash cam provides additional supports for your front-facing recordings. It’s like having another set of eyes behind your back while driving. With a rear dash cam, you benefit from the additional viewing capability to stay alert to activities like rare-end collisions.
With a rear dash cam, you’d be able to view the road from both angles to improve your focus and reaction times. Besides, rear dash cam evidence offers additional security to protect you from insurance fraud and deliberate vehicular attacks. With a rear dash cam, you can capture and record rear-end collisions to provide concrete evidence to trace the perpetrator. Rear dash cams also operate as a backup surveillance system for off-engine monitoring. The device also helps provide a clear view when you’re trying to reverse, especially in tight spaces.
What are the benefits of a rear dash cam?
While driving, you’re on the road with all types of drivers portraying various driving habits. You’re also jostling for the same space with public transport, commercial vehicles, and private motorists. Having a rear dash cam helps offer an all-around safety net against all types of road risks.
Monitoring rearview road activities
With a rear dash cam, you can show how a driver behind you is operating on the road. The camera will record if the driver was using a cell phone when an accident occurs. Further, the rear dash cam also captures incidents of reckless driving, excess speed, and other traffic violations to support insurance claims.
Incidents of tailgating, harassment, vandalism and deliberate attacks would fully view a rear dash cam. The rear dash cam will also clock the speed of drivers behind you when accidents occur.
Provide evidence
Rear dash cams can also identify the driver in hit and run incidents, especially when you park your car for some time. With the additional support from the rear camera, you get an unobstructed and unlimited view of everything that’s happening around you. Without rare dash cam coverage, you stand to lose substantial benefits in liability disputes if you are innocent.
With a rear dash cam, you can quickly identify and track down traffic accident perpetrators if the other driver provides false information. The camera can pick up the license plates or face recognition for the police to trace them.
Lasting memories
Rear dash cams also record some of the best memories when you’re on a road trip or family holiday. Recordings can create lasting memories, especially for a growing family. They make excellent family movies to share with friends and family. Besides, you may be in time to record a rare happening or scene from nature that will wow you for years to come.
How to install a rear dash Cam
The tools you will need
- glass cleaner
- rare dash cat cleaning cloth
- number one
Step 1
Apply some glass cleaner to a clean cloth and wipe down the rear windscreen. Cleaning the rear windshield removes any dust or particles to allow the dash cam to stick evenly to the glass.
Step 2
Take off the plastic protective cover from the sticking plate of the rear dash cam.
Step 3
Check to ensure you mount the camera lens in the correct direction before applying the adhesive.
Step 4
Measure the space under the windshield to ensure you place the camera in the center of the screen. A good position is close within the grid lines to provide more sticking support.
Step 5
When you finish mounting the camera, listen to the prompt to ensure it’s working.
How to hardwire a rear dash Cam
Here are some options to consider when hardwiring your rear dash cam.
Option 1
You may also consider purchasing a wireless system to connect both dash cameras. However, each camera will need a separate power supply to operate.
You can run the wire up the front and install an additional fuse tap for a direct connection. You can also try bypassing the cigarette lighter and if it doesn’t work, add another set of cigarette lighter ports.
Option 3
You can also use two spare circuits and fuse panels for each camera. Ensure the fuse points are live at the same time. You’ll also need to have a separate hardware kit and add a circuit for each dash cam. Also, ensure the USB cable running from the hardware kit to the rear camera is long enough.
Tools for setting up the hardware system
- Zip ties
- Trimmer
- Mount the dash cam in the place you desire.
- Connect the hardwire power cord on the cigarette lighter and the rear dash cam cable to the main dash cam.
- Ensure you attach the rear dash cam cord to the rear camera connection.
- Plug in all the power cords before you start to place them along the path you plan to use. Check to ensure you have enough cable to last the length of the route.
- An ideal area is along the seam lines and where the weather strips on the inner panel house the cables.
- Open the door and pass the cables beneath the weatherstrip.
- Look for the edges where the inner plastic coverings connect. Use the wide-open space on the rear pillars to pass the extra cable to keep them out of sight.
- Measure the remaining chord length to attach to the rear dash cam. Place the remainder inside the C pillar plastic cover.
Routing the power cord
Begin by routing the power cord and save the headliner. Pull the cables closer to the vehicle fuse box. In some vehicles, the fuse box is under the driver’s side. You can also tack the remaining cords beneath the glove compartment or the steering wheel. Bundle the cords together and secure them with a zip tie.
Ensure the wires do not prevent the glove compartment from opening and closing. For dash cam hard wiring, place the cables either behind or inside the fuse box. However, while the path to channel the chords may vary depending on the vehicle, the basic rules are similar.
Final Thoughts
In terms of road safety and security, a rear dash cam is a must-have. You can enjoy the best of both worlds on the road by installing a rear dash cam. Your rear dash cam will act like a tag-team with your front-facing camera to provide irrefutable footage when accidents occur.